AM BEST – Client Recommended Expert Service Provider Since 2016
Stafford Claims Consulting LLC has been a Qualified Member in Best’s Recommended Expert Service Providers. s Qualified Member profiles reflect third-party client recommendations from primarily insurance companies and noninsurance companies’ claims departments and decision makers.
Property & Liability Resource Bureau – Former PLRB Affiliate Member
The purposes and objectives of the Property & Liability Resource Bureau are: to concern itself with, and encourage productivity and efficiency in, the property and liability loss and claim adjustment processes of members and the industry as a whole; to disseminate information on property and liability issues among members and within the insurance industry; and to promote education and new and beneficial developments within the property and casualty insurance industry.
National Association of Subrogation Professionals – Member
The NASP provides a forum to develop communication and relationships for those within the subrogation industry. NASP programs include Education, Advocacy and Networking. NASP members include Attorneys, Forensic Specialists, Engineers and Insurance Claims Professionals.
WINDSTORM INSURANCE NETWORK® – Member and Certified Appraiser
Windstorm Insurance Network, a member association formed to offer education and industry insight for professionals from all facets of the property/windstorm insurance claims industry.
Claims and Litigation Management Alliance – Fellow
The Claims and Litigation Management Alliance (CLM) is an inclusive, collaborative organization that promotes and furthers the highest standards of claims and litigation management The CLM sponsors educational programs, provides resources and fosters communication among all in the industry.

WINDSTORM INSURANCE NETWORK® is a trademark of Windstorm Insurance Network, Inc.
PLRB® is a trademark of the Property Loss Research Bureau.